Sunday, August 28, 2005

Dork457: how was the party
JST: hahaha
JST: marissa almost got us all killed
JST: with her big drunk mouth
Dork457: oh jeez
JST: there were some white whigger assholes outside that we think were on coke
JST: i guess she and some others went out there to like, make friends with them or something
JST: she does stupid shit when she's drunk
Dork457: hahaha
JST: and they were being jerks marissa and co., and she was like 'do you even live here?'
JST: which they didnt
JST: and then she told them to 'go back to their complexes'
JST: and according to other people who were around also called them trailer trash
JST: then her and our group walked back to our apartment
JST: these guys were just parked outside the building next to ours
JST: like 100 ft away
JST: and right about when they got back, there were like 12 people who started running full out at them
JST: and i was just playing halo inside with this dude who's like 300 lbs
JST: and our crew come charging in panting
JST: and im like wtf
JST: then locked the door and these crazies were all over our floor shouting shit at us
JST: and outside too
JST: it was like 2 am, so about 20 min later everyone decided to leave, so they took the giant 300 lb dude out
JST: and marissa and i watched from the balcony
JST: and as they were going to their cars, all the guys in the trucks made this really odd charge
JST: very uncoordinated
JST: and then a couple of them started running back
JST: and they were yelling and whatnot
JST: then they starting charging at us again
JST: it was insane
JST: must have been 15 people out there
JST: my friends got to their cars safe and drove off in a hurry
JST: all because marissa turns black when she drinks
Dork457: hahaha


At 7:55 PM, Bryce said...

i love those post justin. great way to tell stories

At 7:59 PM, justin said...

Lazy way to tell stories ;)


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