Sunday, May 22, 2005

Oh the joys of being back home.

EP3 014
Originally uploaded by justinsuperstar.
I'm back in Wisconsin for a couple days. I've had a real good time so far. It's so weird, how whenever I'm somewhere I haven't been in a while, I still feel like I've been there for months. Even now, I've just been in the midwest since Wednesday and already it's weird to think about living back in Florida even though it's what I've been doing the last 6 months.

Still, I miss Marissa a lot, like the kind of love-struck loser I am.

Star Wars was a hell of a lot of fun. Dago, the perpetual alcoholic, bought some vodka and we created some drinks for some pre-show morale booting. Izzi dressed like a giant ewok and was even partially pictured in the newspaper. Not as cool as last time when Steve, dressed as the same ewok, got interviewed, but we can't all be magical and surreal.

We were rather rowdy, and probably pissed people off, but the movie was shoddy in my opinion, certainly squandered aspects of it that could have been amazing.

Last night we all went out to the bars and whatnot. Had a great time and danced until I was very sweaty. The new guy, Shawn, seems cool. Always good to make new friends.

Anyway, it's late, gotta sleep soon. Placating my mom by going to church tommorow.


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