Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Good Will Apartment Looking For (an apartment)

So, yesterday we went out looking for a good apartment to enjoy next year. Since I have some more income flow these days I am looking to make a real upgrade. The first couple places we checked out were only okay. A little too colege-y fratty mcfratboy for me. Plus I saw a bunch of people who looked like they were going to rob me. Indeed,that was scary.

The most memorable location was one 'Polos,' in which we were forced to take a look at the model apartment with a gaggle of 6 of the most awesomely stereoypical nerds I've seen in a while. We had 1) Funny looking guy with frizzy long hair big nose and bad skin 2) Ratty looking guy with long frizzy pony tail 3) European looking guy with long frizzy hair, thin black long-sleeved shirt and black jeans, accompanied by 4) Chubby pale white girlfriend who looked like she enjoyed writing horrible poetry 5) Chubby asian girlfriend 6) Scared-looking skinny asian girlfriend.

Needless to say it was incredible - as we were walking up to the property, discussion began as to which gaming consoles would go in which room and how many of each console would be in attendence. Tragically I missed a good amount of the real gems, but I got some video of them.

We were planning on going to another place in the area after that, but it turned out that the geek caravan was heading to the exact same place, so we scrapped the original plans which turned out to be the correct move.

The last place we say (and my favorite of the search thusfar) was a complex called
Tortuga Bay. When we walked in it felt like we were at some important person's nice expensive domicile. High ceilings, marble kitchen, big bathrooms, just totally badass all around.

The person giving the tour didn't seem to take us seriously, but I looked like a schlub so I don't blame her. I'd rather be out of place looking like that then in the norm.

So, if I have my way that'll be the place come August 1st. Of course there are more places to check out, but that's #1 on my list as of now.


At 1:37 PM, Rick Rock said...

Another way to think about it is gauging how comfortable the toilet will be when you and your significant other take literally hundreds of dumps in it.

Just food for thought.

At 9:11 AM, Justin Johnson said...

Wow, that's actually a question I should have asked the leasing agent.

Maybe I need to get one of those compfy padded seats.


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