Friday, April 08, 2005

April Fools

Hey, whoa, what's up?

Another update here - just finished doing my nightly newsin' - found a good amount of articles, but you all don't want to hear about that - you want to hear about MY LIFE!

Hmm, well, last weekend was pretty fun, Marissa and I went down to Florida legend Ron Workman's house. He's a kind hearted soul who helped me out a lot especially right when I was moving into my place. He just randomly saw my videos through Jake Lodwick in some fashio (perhaps a link on Jake's site to over here) -- oh I think I just heard a gun shot??? Stop shooting people, Mexicans -- anyway, that was weird. We'll listen for cops and stuff showing up ... -- So, we went down to Workman's (after doing taxes and whatnot at Marissa's house, the government will be getting nearly $1000 from me, those awful bastards) and went to see Sin City. It took me a couple minutes to get used to the style of the movie since it's so dramatically different than anything else I've seen, but once I was rolling with the blood, guts, and jist of the flick I really enjoted it. As Workman said "It's intesting to see movie's like that made." I had recalled reading small bits of the original graphic novels, so some of it was familiar to me, but the majority was fresh. How creepy was Elijah Wood's character? Freakin' AWESOME.

Something crazy was going on in that town - walking to the theater we saw a transient-type person wandering around in small white shorts and a large leather trench coat. He looked our way and shouted "HOWS YOUR WIFE" to no on in particular, since none of us present had wives.

Later, in line for popcorn and other treats, a couple composed of a guy who looked like a terrorist and a chubby goth girl got my attention and told me to watch a group of teens interacting at the far side of the room. "ITS LIKE REALITY TV" the goth sputtered. Then she kind of looked around and pondered aloud 'I WONDER IF WE'RE BEING FILMED RIGHT NOW" to which I assured her the security cameras were most certainly running in an effort to dissuade the terrorist from bombing me.

On the way back from the movie, we also noticed a car swerving wildly in front of us, nearly hitting curbs and men in small white shorts. Apart from that maniac, was a slut in a Porche who attempted to pass a firetruck. Good work slut! That's illegal!

We stayed up quite late talking and doing other things Ron Workman does best, and had the luxury of waking up late on Sunday morning. Ahhhh my two mornings of bliss! Can't wait to enjoy sleeping in this morning too.

That was basically the weekend. This week has been a lot of working ... a lot lot of working. Probably like 60 or 70 hours or something like that. I hardly find myself any time to enjoy the occasional game of counterstrke or the recently aquired "BURN OUT 3" which reminds me a lot of last weekend.

Oh, and right now it's like 2:34 and I haven't heard cops show up yet (shots fired at 2:22?), so hopefully that means that either 1) people don't care about gunshots here at Jasmine at Mexicans East, or 2) it was just a firecracker or something with less potential to keep me up all night.


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