Thursday, September 16, 2004

Hurricanes and bla bla

Hey, I talked to my friend Tim Oleston ( today and he said he came by the site every so-often and checked my blog, and then I realized I hadn't updated it in a while so I figured I might as well.

A while ago I met with this guy Doug who runs a show called "Comedy Night School" here in Orlando. He reallllly liked "Midget Parade" and said it'd probably be a featured video on the half hour show, which airs on Saturday nights and appearantly gets higher ratings than SNL on occasion. Orlando is the 20th biggest TV market in the nation, so probably a good slew of people will be seeing it. If I tape it I'll put a little clip online.

I've been putting some work into the GoonCon DVD, from the footage I and others shot in Vegas one hot weekend in July. It's going to be the biggest project I've taken on thusfar (well, besides the surfing DVDs, but those sucked, so I don't really count it). I don't have enough drive space so I am hoping my friend Ron Workman will hook me up with some free drives (strapped for cash as usual).

A couple days ago I wrote a script for the next fight on filmfights, but myself and Marissa are going down to Tampa Bay this weekend and I am hoping I'll have enough time to get it done!!! I want to work hard on the lighting, to make it look good. Right now my camera is slightly broken (the flip screen doesn't work when it's facing towards me) so it's a pain in the ass to film anything, however I struggle on. That's why I haven't done any vidblog stuff recently. That and the fact I just sit around my apartment and work most of the time these days.

So, that's a smidge of what's going on. ROCK.


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